Our Products

You can imporve your business with our products

primary speciality

Sector DLP

Sector DLP aims to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, leakage, or loss within an organization. It involves implementing technology solutions, policies, and procedures to prevent data breaches and ensure compliance with data protection regulations. By monitoring and controlling data flow across networks, endpoints, and storage systems, a DLP project helps organizations identify and prevent data exfiltration, accidental data loss, and insider threats. The project typically includes risk assessments, policy development, deployment of DLP tools, user training, and ongoing monitoring and refinement to maintain a strong defense against data loss incidents.

secondary speciality

Sector Kids

Sector kids - is a software tool designed to help parents monitor and manage their children`s online activities across various devices and platforms. It provides features and functionalities that allow parents to enforce age-appropriate restrictions, promote healthy digital habits, and ensure the online safety of their children.

Sector staff monitoring

The platform is a software solution designed to track and monitor the activities and performance of employees within an organization. It provides tools and functionalities that allow employers to oversee employee productivity, ensure compliance with company policies, and improve overall workforce management.

secondary speciality